Edith Sherwood Ph.D.

The Voynich Botanical Plants

Folio 47r Back to Plant List
folio 47r

Folio 47r. Houseleek ( Sempervivum tectorum). The juice from this succulent plant was used to soothe burns, bites, stings and a variety of skin conditions.” Dioscorides recommended it for inflammation of the eyes, feet gouts, hemorrhage and headaches. Crescentius notes that the “juice laid on hot ulcers drives away infection … mixed with oil of roses is good for burns.” Hortus Sanitatis states that “who ever is deaf should take the milk of a woman nursing a 10 to 12 week old boy and put with this the juice of the houseleek and the drip 3 or 4 drops in the ear soothingly and hearing will return.” (2) (A)

(2) Freeman, M., Herbs, for the Medieval Household, The Grete Herball
(A) Drawings that are probably copies of illustrations found in other herbals